Monday, April 11, 2011

In spite of $14.2 billion in global operating profit ($5.1 billion on U.S. operations) in 2010, GE paid no corporate income tax to the U.S. Treasury that year thanks to offsetting prior losses by GE Capital (i.e., bad loans).  In spite of that unit having received TARP funds from U.S. taxpayers, the corporation was able to avoid paying any income tax. This seems like Rousseau's social contract run amuck: corporate welfere in exchange for nada.  Such a modus operendi is in line with the corporate mission: to economize in the sense of maximizing (or satisficing) what is taken in while minimizing what must go out.  In other words, a corporation aims to turn itself from a productive, lean throughput to a concentration of capital in its own right.

In terms of U.S. corporate income taxation, the extent of resources that corporations devote to minimizing what they owe the U.S. Treasury is money that could be better spent, or invested, in productive enterprise. For example, G.E. files returns in 250 jurisdictions and has a staff of 975 working in the corporation's tax department. Even if those people pay for themselves and more by reducing the company's tax liability, the company could eliminate that entire department and orient its global operations in terms of efficiency rather than taxation were income tax applied only to individuals.  The legal person "doctrine" aside, corporations are not citizens; rather, they are groups of citizens. 

Robert Samuelson suggests that the top corporate income tax rate be reduced from 35%, which is one of the highest in the world. He argues that the 15% rate in individual income taxation on dividends and capital gains should be increased. The effect would be regressive, for the top one percent receive two-thirds of all the capital gains and dividends. At the very least, the 15% is relatively low in the individual income tax system and most of the taxpayers subject to the tax could afford a higher rate.

In my opinion, Samuelson does not go far enough, for even with a lower top corporate rate companies would retain their tax departments and steer profit into countries with low tax rates (for there would still be differentials between countries). Theoretically, it does not make sense to tax both corporate income and dividends.  Furthermore, corporate income taxation treats companies as end-points rather than as throughputs. The implications of taxing individuals rather than corporations are staggering not only for more efficient productive investment, but also for attracting foreign direct investment to the U.S. In addition, public accounting firms could eliminate their tax departments and focus all of their attention on auditing--an endeavor made all the more important on account of the misleading financials on Wall Street leading up to the financial crisis of 2008.  Rather than getting headaches over the intracacies of tax rules, public accountants could devote more attention to whether it is enough to follow GAAP in giving an unqualified opinion.

In short, taxation ought not to have so much gravity in orienting corporate America.  Instead, business would do much better in focusing more on building better mousetraps. Individuals who benefit financially from the productive enterprise would be taxed, perhaps even without all the deductions that enable them to avoid being taxed. Imagine a tax-returnless system of individual income taxation involving a fixed low rate applied like a fee on any income taken in, whether from wages, salary, dividends or capital gains. Ironically, by simplifying taxation, more of it could be collected even as businesses are left to do business.

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Source: Robert Samuelson, "The Real GE Scandal," Newsweek, April 11, 2011, p. 21.



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